
pydocstring CLI provides entrypoints for CLI commands

Currently only the pydocstring command is supported

To use pydocstring from the command line you call pydocstring with the source, and optionally the position of the cursor within that source (defaults to the end).

Note that pydocstring doesn’t insert docstrings in place (yet), as it’s designed for editor integration. It prints out the generated docstring for the scope the given cursor position is in.

You may also want to provide the -f flag with the formatter you want to use.

usage: pydocstring [-h] [-f {google,numpy,reST}] [--version] source [position]

positional arguments:
source                Source code to process, or the path to a file
position              Position of the cursor in the document, defaults to
                      the end. Row, then column

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-f {google,numpy,reST}, --formatter {google,numpy,reST}
                        docstring formatter to use
--version             show program's version number and exit

CLI entrypoint